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Increase Your Attendance

Some of our event marketing services include the following:

  • Branding – We will help differentiate yourselves from other organizations, build credibility and establish your brand through social media

  • Event Marketing – We will help publicize your events using social media

  • Event Brochures – We will create brochures for your events using graphic designs

  • Announcements – We will design your announcements and will send them to your distribution lists

  • Member Communication – We will help draft and send your communication to your members, sponsors and donors

  • Website Creation & Maintenance – We will create your website based on your specifications and will maintain your website content

  • Press Releases – We will draft and execute press releases for brand creation or event marketing purposes

  • Newsletters – We will create periodic newsletters, coordinate with all members of your management, if necessary, for developing the content and will send them to your target audience

  • Event Execution – We will set up your event registration pages, manage discount codes and send you registration reports regularly and sign-in sheets and name labels for the event

  • Event Reports – We will send you registration reports regularly and will provide you a post event analysis of the attendees

Event Marketing and Event Management: Projects
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