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Grow Your Membership

Member/Donor Management

  • Membership/Sponsorship Drive - We will help you strategize membership or sponsorship drives and support it through back-office execution

  • Membership/Sponsorship Renewals – We will send timely personalized reminders to your members or sponsors for renewals using a customized message.  Experience has shown us that 50% of the renewals that do not take place is because members and sponsors forget to take action or have no time to do so.  A personal email or call is all that takes to get them to renew!

  • Membership/Sponsorship Reports – We will create periodic reports.  These reports will include data analytics for you to understand your member/donor base and areas of growth or lack thereof

  • Retention & Growth Strategies – We will help you design and execute retention and growth strategies of your members, sponsors and donors

  • Data Management & Data Scrub  – We will manage your membership/sponsorship database by scrubbing and cleaning the unused and invalid information

  • Data Analytics – We will slice & dice your data and present you with information that will enable you to understand your member/donor profiles, growth areas and areas requiring your attention which will help you to strategize and make decisions to grow your organization by leaps and bounds!

Membership Management: Projects
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